Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Happy Happy, All the Time

8) Yesterday I played a song on my Myspace page for a friend of mine. At the end he turns to me and actually says "Why so angry, buddy?" What? Why so angry? I’m broke. I don’t have a job. I haven’t had a girlfriend since 1995, the last time I got laid the only person on steroids was Delta Burke and McNuggets are up to $5/box….why so angry? I’m not angry enough!!! Fucking christ. If anyone else wants to spray a gun around a crowded room the line should start here, fuckface. - XMASTIME in 2006
Took some happiness quiz. Hmm:
You might be more averse to feeling positive emotions than most people and might avoid activities or relationships that you believe will make you feel happy. You might be more prone to stress and depression as well. Talk therapy and mindfulness meditation might help reduce this fear.

Keep in mind that a fear of happiness is not always a pathology or sign of dysfunction. In some cultures it is a component of a philosophical or religious approach to life. For instance, many East Asians share a belief that happiness can cause suffering.

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