Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Williamsburg Xmastime Classixxx

Originally posted March 2011.

Freewilliamsburg lists The Top 20 Restaurants in Williamsburg, Greenpoint and Bushwick (or, as people in Bushwick like to call it, "Williamsburg.")

Ones I've been to (and remember): 
Dumont - very good, very expensive.  Marley bought me a burger there once.  Only after, of course, I stood up and sang the extra verse to The Star-Spangled Banner that Ronald Reagan wrote (and, by god, lived!) in front of the entire restaurant.
Roberta's - don't remember the food, only that The Short Bus had only recently begun walking, and most of the time was spent chasing him around.  Thanks...YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD!!!!!!
Marlow & Sons - actually, just sat their while friends of mine ate oysters.  Probably fags.
Fette Sau - was a little disappointing.  Tho I'm biased, because I'm annoyed that after the five or so years it's been here, there's still no meat smell when you walk by outside.  If my pants  bedroom can work one up without the benefit of barbecuing meat 24 hours a day, there's really no excuse they can't.
Pies-n-Thighs - see HERE
Bamonte's - was okay. Slightly disappointing, I guess I was expecting a lot since it's famous.  Spent most of the time bitching "veal?  Why'd I order veal? I don't even like veal!  Oy, veh!!"
Diner - went there a million times when I worked on the southside, and was squiring a young lady.  Was my introduction to the 3-inch thick pork chop (and hers, heh heh heh....wait, what?)

I've also been to The Roebling Tea Room, but only, ironically, had tea.

The Star-Spangled Banner riff stolen from The Star-Spangled Girl.

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