Friday, May 08, 2015


All the talk about Brady & Deflategate reminded me of this old Xamstime gem. You're welcome, Earth.
I just noticed that the Watergate is still an operating hotel. I don't know, I guess when something is so frozen in time and history, you don't think of it as functioning anymore. Like Harper Lee, or women having pubic hair. Looking at the name, I realized how lucky we got that it was such a cool name, you know? Having "gate" at the end made it so easy to stick onto other scandals, the name really snaps right in there nicely. "Watergate." "Troopergate." "Whitewatergate."

"Whothefucklettheslavesfreegate." And on and on. "Gate" is perfect. What if the break-in had been, for instance, at the Ritz? Then all of our scandals sound like crackers. Or, worse, Jewish! "Katrinaritz." "Nippleritz." "Seriously,wholettheslavesfreeritz." In a strange way, don't we owe Nixon a debt of gratitude for this?

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