Saturday, May 09, 2015

Last Night #replacements4ever

I never got to see The Replacements back when they were together, so it was a thrill see finally see them last night, even if I was person # 4000 in a room of 4000 people.

I find this interesting: every Replacements song, ranked:
14. “Hold My Life” (Tim) – This was the first song on the band’s first album after they jumped from Minneapolis indie label Twin/Tone to the majors (Sire Records). There was a lot of trepidation among fans that the move would diminish the band, especially coming after the fine Let It Be. This song reassured everybody that the band hadn’t suddenly been turned into a corporate rock product. In fact, Tim would turn out to be at least the equal of Let It Be, and perhaps its superior. “Hold My Life” is great Westerberg wordplay strung along a restless Tommy Stinson bass line like Christmas lights. The best line is one that can’t be rendered as effectively in print. “If I want, I could die,” Westerberg sings with earnestness. “My hair,” he adds after a playful pause, making plain that the proceeding “die” is actually “dye.” The rest of the lyrics powerfully sum up the youthful feeling that every emotion, every thought, carries such gravity that one might die, or crack up, as a result. “Time for decisions to be made,” Westerberg repeatedly sings. A perfect song for young romantics. (As the only Replacements song with the word “life” in the title, I must throw this next tidbit here: Supposedly, Westerberg has had very few words exchanged with fellow Minneapolis musician Prince over the years, but one of them was the following exchange: Westerberg: “What’s up?” Prince: “Life.” End of scene.)
Here's Paul letting one rip (and I don't mean a solo.)

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