Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Shaking Head in Wonder

Donald Trump is nobly using the Philly Amtrak accident as an opportunity to point out how awesome he is, and how politicians can’t do anything.

The irony of course is that politicians could totally save all of our infrastructure problems with a snap of their fingers. If they got together and said “okay people are dying now, let’s fix this shit” (oooh, an example of our “Tits Up” domestic policy!!!) then they could print some money and it would all be fixed, to say nothing of an insane number of jobs being created.

But it's the very guys like Trump, who condescend to an audience that is trained to believe that a dollar spent by gub’ment on anything other than bombing the shit out of countries halfway across the globe is a waste of money and un-American Kenyan-based socialism, who are keeping this from happening.

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