Sunday, September 06, 2015

Social Distortion Album at 25

From 2014, Xmastime talking about the album Social Distortion:
It just occurred to me that next year will be the 25th anniversary of the release of that album, the eponymously-titled Social Distortion.  I can still remember sitting around on my freshman dorm floor during my first few weeks of pretend college when I heard Story of My Life blaring from down the hall. In a move totally against my personality but so in love with the song I was hearing, I walked down and introduced myself to the guys who were playing it and asked what the fuck it was. It was Story of My Life, and it's still fucking great tonight.

We're still friends to this day, and I still love this album. And I think it's become one of "those albums" (like the first Violent Femmes record) that somehow, some way, everybody knows and loves.
And of course this year IS the 25th year anniversary. I still love that album; here's an interview with Mike Ness about the album and the last quarter century:
How autobiographical was "Story of My Life"?
One hundred percent. But what I didn't know when I was writing it was that it was also universal. I don't know how but I captured a simple human emotion in a song that is universally relatable. I try to write songs like that today, but it doesn't come around that often.
I was one of those kids who thought the song was about me. Still great. (And depressing I was a freshman in college 215 years ago!!!!!)

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