Friday, June 26, 2020

Some Epstein Bullshit

I was looking for something, don't worry your pretty little heads about what, when I saw this post about how great Paul McCartney was during The Beatles, and this gnaws at me:
6. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was McCartney’s idea. In fact, most everything the band did post-Epstein’s death in ’66 was driven by him. We have McCartney to thank for their entire post-66 catalogue.
It's true that everything from pretty much Revolver on was driven by McCartney, but why the mention of Brian Epstein in this manner? He was a great manager - he got them to "clean up" and wear suits, got them a record contract and booked all their tours etc (and cost them millions in merchandising by being an idiot) - but he had ZERO input creatively. The one time he matter-of-factly commented on something during a recording session (which he was usually never invited to) John Lennon famously snapped at him to "stick with looking after the money, we'll worry about the music."

"I said, shut the fuck up, Brian."

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