Tuesday, August 04, 2020


For YEARS I've been screaming re: the media never ever following up a Trump bullshit answer with a simple question, like this one.

One thing I loved seeing the Jonathon Swan Axios interview with Trump this weekend is he'd ask simple, obvious followup questions:
Take their exchange about coronavirus testing. Trump uttered a version of his now-familiar refrain about how testing is overrated -- attributing this nonsense to unnamed "those that say." Swan pressed for details.
Trump: "You know, there are those that say you can test too much, you do know that." Swan: "Who says that?" Trump: "Oh, just read the manuals. Read the books." Swan: "Manuals? What manuals?" Trump: "Read the books. Read the books." Swan: "What books?"
Trump moved on without offering a direct answer. While Swan couldn't get the President to concede that he is making up these "manuals" and "books," he exposed him nonetheless.
Hopefully with this finally getting some attention it will compel his fellow members of the press to do the fucking same.

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