Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Last Night's RNC, II

I really expected the Trump RNC to be exciting. Yes, incredibly dumb. Yes, packed to the gills with lies. But at least good television.

It was not.

I tuned in at about a quarter to 10pm and was immediately treated to Kimberly Gilfoyle, ie Don Jr's girlfriend, screaming like a banshee at the top of her lungs. Then came snoozefest Steve Scalise, who regaled us all with the amazingly heartwarming story of when he got shot and Trump came to visit him at the hospital. He sounded like the 7 year-old thrilled that his divorced dad showed up at his Pizza Hut birthday party for 5 minutes before leaving with his new, incredibly inappropriately-aged girlfriend. Next was some guy who did something brave in Iraq in 2006, then Don Jr, the crown jewel, who screamed at the camera that if you don't vote for daddy then America would be one huge hellscape. Nikki Haley calmed things down by walking us through the story of a white guy in South Carolina murdering black people in a church, which led to her taking down the Confederate flag in the SC state house, and then she pivoted to tell us that racism does not exist in the USA. Last up was the GOP's "I can't be racist because I know a black guy" Tim Scott, the only speaker who showed a glimpse of positivity and warmth but he'll probably never be seen again because he spent his time talking about Tim Scott and not his royal highness Donald Trump.

Again, I was shocked at how dull it was - at least the Democrats had different backgrounds; each Republican dutifully walked up to the same podium to excrete there revisionist history.

Oh well. Maybe tonight we'll get the strippers being shot out of cannons?

Here's a few tweets of mine as it ran, enjoy!

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