Thursday, December 17, 2020

2020 Might Have Sucked...

 ...but even it cannot stop the unstoppable force that will forever be A Christmas Carol:

With the pandemic shutdown erasing one public ritual after another, theater companies have scrambled to deliver their Yuletide breadwinner on another platform — even if the money it normally rakes in will only be the equivalent of Scrooge’s table scraps.

Rather than cancel outright, though, Ford’s and an assortment of other theaters across the country, and beyond, have decided that the bleakest alternative would be no “Christmas Carol”-ing at all. Perhaps as a community service, or a minor moneymaker or even just a pledge to audiences that they’ll still be around after the covid-19 crisis finally fades, they are producing their seasonal offering in the manners in which the circumstances allow.

'The really...leaving Netflix...?!?!!?!?"

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