Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Bruce Dogs!

"Mmm, smell them dogs a-cookin', Nils. Smell 'em!!"
Earlier I mentioned eating 8 hot dogs during a Bruce Springsteen show. Here's the setlist from that night, in red I've marked what songs I'm guessing were good for a hot dog break. Enjoy!

Setlist: Downbound Train/The Rising/Lonesome Day/Candy's Room/Prove It All Night/Empty Sky/Waitin' on a Sunny Day/Saint in the City/Worlds Apart/Badlands/Out in the Street/Mary's Place/Meeting Across the River/Backstreets/No Surrender
First Encore: Kitty's Back/Bobby Jean/Born to Run
Second Encore: My City of Ruins/Land of Hope and Dreams/Rosalita/Dancing in the Dark/Seven Nights to Rock

Boy that Prove It All Night/Empty Sky/Waitin' on a Sunny Day stretch must've been brutal for me. But good for whoever was selling hot dogs!

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