Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Few Xmastime TV Thoughts

The Other Two (HBOMax), Season 1

Thanks to Xmastime buddy Op for the recommendation (hi, Xmastime buddy Op!)

Very enjoyable, with some real LOLs 

Gold star: every single thing Ken Marino said or did was hysterical.

Same with Wanda Sykes

And Molly Shannon, fresh off her hot spot on The White Lotus, was fantastic as well.

The daughter was great but was pretty much a dead-on impersonation of Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Especially the voice - uncanny.

I may have misunderstood the premise but while the younger brother's fame did affect the other two siblings, it didn't really seem to do so in a negative way. They didn't seem to resent him at all.

I also thought Molly Shannon was going to be a monstrous stage mom (maybe in Season 2, which is showing her to have a talk show on tv?)

Is the kinda-hookup-with-your-straight-roommate-but-not-really an actual thing? Seemed a bit much.

LOVED the daughter's ex Lance; the actor had previously played pretty much the exact same character in a terrible show The Moodys, which I watched all the way through its run because I hate myself.

I thought the bit about the little girl dying was really funny, but then it twisted and turned into being not as funny.

I really thought that kid from the school dance, Elijah, would spring from the shadows in a later episode to exact revenge on Cary. Was very disappointed. Though I guess there's still time?

Cary somehow has 490,000 Instagram followers? Really?

Not sure why they picked the whole "you have to tell the kid how dad really died!" was chosen to be the emotional fulcrum of the entire season. What fan would have cared one way or the other? And the kids were surprised to learn that their mother sad? After her husband died? That said, Molly Shannon's very detailed reveal on the plane was hysterical and got even funnier when "my dad froze to death too" turned out to be a thing.

Happy to see Streeter Peters shown to not be a total idiot.

Maybe pull back on the constant gay humor in Season 2? I mean, we get it.

Again, every episode had some legit laughs. Looking forward to Season 2!

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