Thursday, October 07, 2021

Go No Further

Like a lot of folks I've been excited about the 40th anniversary of The Replacements' debut album - posting about it again just a week ago.

I don't have any real desire to buy the thing, I don't need to hear 100 outtakes or what-not, but I'm super excited they're making a whole to-do about the event. It's the perfect Midwestern punk-rock beginning for the greatest band of its generation, and it deserves its moment in the cold, frozen Scandinavian sun.

Thoughts on the album from 2008.

But I must say, of all the stuff people are putting out there, this video is really great. It's a romp through Minneapolis highlighting the very locations that loom large for those of us who worship the history of the band - first desperately digging for hours to unearth any piece of info in the 80s-90s, then swimming in miles of it with the Internet.

Via the Minneapolis Star-Tribune: 

Here's the cast, in order of appearance: former First Avenue ringleaders Steve McClellan (now lead guru at HiFi Records) and Kevin Cole (club DJ now at KEXP in Seattle); Replacements frontman Paul Westerberg's kid sister Mary Lucia (now a DJ at 89.3 the Current), who makes a very brief but, um, impressionable cameo; and Anita and Lonnie Stinson, mom and sister of Replacements bassist Tommy Stinson and guitarist Bob Stinson.

Among the sites past and present seen on the ride are: Butler Square, the Longhorn Bar, 7th St. Entry, Paradise Ballroom in Waconia, Blackberry Way in Dinkytown, Oar Folkjokeopus record store, the C.C. Club, the Modesto apartment building, the "Dogbreath House" and the "Let It Be House." Each location is shown with footnotes explaining their relevance.

Enjoy Takin' a Ride through the history of one of the greatest bands ever.

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