Friday, November 05, 2021


THANKFully, Tom Hanks has started hitting the podcast scene, promoting whatever his latest movie I won't see is. If there ever was someone made for podcast, it's delightful, funny, stories-for-decades Tom Hanks. Incredibly, when putting together my list of Top 10 Tom Hanks movies, I realize:

1. the most recent one I've seen is 2002's Catch Me if You Can

2. I have not, nor do I really care to based on scanning them, seen his last 33 movies

But since I am a human being of this Earth I love Tom Hanks! So here's my personal Top 10 list. You're welcome, Earf!

Apollo 13
A League of Their Own
That Thing You Do!
Catch Me If You Can
Saving Private Ryan
Forrest Gump
Bachelor Party

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