Monday, December 20, 2021

Same Old Shit

I've been bloviating for decades about the eye-rolling nonsense that all of our zillionaires are noble beasts form the bootsraps school:

America is fascinated by the uber-wealthy and yet they always feel like they have to win some public relations war for our affection that doesn't exist. Nobody likes to admit "part of my success is due to economic and social conditions cemented long before I was even born"; we must be made to believe that Successful Person X was left to die in a dumpster, then pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and became a real rags to riches story.  Nobody's happy simply to have been given the keys to the kingdom, they also hafta portray themselves as "victims."

And today in the Daily Beast there's some more eye-rolling, Stop Telling Me Trust-Fund Kids Are Financial Wizards:

These stories keep getting told as if they are about financial wizardry, frugality, vision, and one-of-a-kind talent instead of what they’re almost always really about: trust funds and inherited wealth. They beg us to believe that class elevation is easy if you just work hard, think smart, and want it bad enough, even as they conveniently omit the luxuriously soft cushion of intergenerational money these stories rest upon. 

Roll on, eyeballs! 😡

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