Wednesday, January 05, 2022

102 Years Ago Today

The Boston Red Sox did the right thing and delivered - I mean sold - Babe Ruth to his rightful place as a New York Yankee:

“The price tag was unparalleled in sports history, the story was obsessively covered in the press, and every last detail was voraciously consumed by baseball fans nationwide. With the possible exception of the Louisiana Purchase, what other acquisition has reached the same level of long-term recognition in the American public’s conscience?”

Then, in a bit of foreshadowing, Ruppert added, “It is not only our intention, but a strong life purpose, moreover, to give the loyal American League fans of greater New York an opportunity to root for our team in a world’s series. We are going to give them a pennant winner, no matter what the cost. I think the addition of Ruth to our forces should held greatly along those general lines. Yet the fans can rest assured we by no means intend to stop there. Eventually we are going to have the best team that has ever been seen anywhere.”

My bold - very Steinbrennerian!

"Sniff this, losers!"

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