Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Xmastime 10 Years Ago Today

This still seems true to me:

In watching The Town, an otherwise pretty great movie starring a tramped-out Mrs. Xmastime Blake Lively (nom nom nom!), I'm reminded of one of Hollywood's greatest greatest clichéd lies that has somehow lasted for decades: the crazy car chase.  I mean, has anyone ever seen a car weaving in and out between cars at 90mph, followed as closely as possibly by a string of cop cars, all of which knock innocent car after innocent car off the highway into oblivion?  Has anyone ever once HEARD of a car weaving in and out between cars at 90mph, followed as closely as possibly by a string of cop cars, all of which knock innocent car after innocent car off the highway into oblivion?  Of course not! The greatest cop car chase of our life time involved about a dozen black & whites slowly escorting a certain Bronco down the LA freeway about as easy-peazy as could be.  No weaving, no speeding, no innocent people killed.

And yet Hollywood is STILL giving us this charade.  Hey, I can understand it back in the 60s/70s/80s etc.  But The Town came out in 2010 - would cops say "ohmygod pin your ears back and plow over as many innocent people as possible while playing a virtual video game of death!!!" or "yeah, shut down such and such highway up ahead, track the mf via Google Earth, and....oh, there he is"?

Camon. Enough.  Car chases are fucking obsolete.  Maybe it was cool back when James Cagney was James Cagney, but in 2012 it's just fucking silly.

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