Tuesday, March 08, 2022

NEW SERIES: "Back When Xmastime Was Funny! AND Edgy!"

From January 2008:

As for the White Shadow, the funny thing about the team is here’s a school in a black neighborhood in South Central, yet there’s room on the team for a Mexican, a Jew, an Italian and, get this, an Irish guy. I’m surprised there wasn’t a benchwarmer with a towel on his head.

I mean, the towel line in any day is dynamite, but in January 2008? Barely 6 years after 9/11? Downright DANGEROUS in its comedy, people. Look, I'm not saying the word "hero" should be used here, but then I wouldn't have to be the one saying it if you motherfuckers would get off your asses and make me my own Wikipedia page...grrrrrr...

"Put down the box-cutter and play some D, Muhammed!"

Sigh. Lookit me - still got it, baby!

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