Wednesday, March 02, 2022

RIP Alex from Wings

Wow, last year we lost David Schramm and now Farah Forke has died. She was only on Wings for about two seasons but was really funny as Brian's no-nonsense girlfriend. And the episode where she has him appear on The Mary Pat Lee Show is an all-time Top 5 Wings episode.

She'd kinda disappeared for years so who knew that she had cancer, but certainly nobody thought we'd lose another cast member before Rebecca Schull hits 100, right?

I remember her leaving Wings for the show Dweebs, which only last a few weeks and was eye-rollingly bad, if I recall...but has anyone ever wondered if this was an inspiration for the set-in-the-pantheon-without-a-doubt classic of classics, The IT Crowd?

I'd ask Graham Linehan but he's a lunatic now....😬

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