Monday, April 18, 2022

Phony Beatlemania...SHOULD'VE Bitten the Dust? 🤔

The thing I don’t get about Beatlemania is that I understand losing your shit the second The Beatles enter your field of vision - let’s be honest, I'm a middle-aged man and if I met one of them today I’d lose my mind shrieking too and I haven’t been accused of acting like a 14 year-old girl for weeks now. But I’d like to think once they actually started playing I’d wanna shut up and listen to every note/sound, to be savored forever as one of The Chosen Few. But the crowds didn’t shut up and listen, they’d just keep screaming until The Beatles walked offstage 20 minutes later. 

Meanwhile, are there thousands of people who have lived with the regret of screaming/crying throughout an entire Beatles concert, therein actually missing it? Hmm.

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