Monday, April 18, 2022

Worlds Colliding!

I thoroughly enjoyed Darryl from The Office's new show Killing It, including absolutely falling in love with the character Jillian, who was just pure gold throughout all 10 episodes.

But it's occurred to me to wonder, are the writers of this show huge British sitcom fans?

In the most dramatic scene of the series, younger brother Isiah unloads on Craig after being accused of "not caring" about their father being killed when they were kids, that he always jokes around instead of "being serious dammit!"

This scene almost perfectly mimics Only Fools and Horses' iconic scene after Grandad's funeral, when Rodney accuses Del Boy of not caring because he was cutting up and having fun during the funeral reception, to wit:


Later, Craig mentions that he has one friend, which Isiah makes fun of by pointing out he has exactly 17 friends. And where have we seen that, you may be asking?


Hey Killing It guys if you wanna chat Britcoms hit me up!!!!!!!!!

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