Monday, September 26, 2022

The Juxtaposition of the American South and Its Curious Relationship with the Third Reich

It's one hell of a juxtaposition that one moment the Nazis were sending over consultants to the Deep South to learn tips on how to oppress/exterminate a race of people and then the next moment we were bringing over their best rocket scientists to Alabama to build the space program. 🤷‍♂️

(Obviously I knew all about the Huntsville, AL group but it wasn't until Ken Burns' PBS doc that I learned the Nazis used our Jim Crow laws like kids use YouTube for learning shit*.)

*(I don't wanna be one of those people that sees a doc/reads a Wikipedia article and then wants to make you believe they knew all this stuff before as if they'd studied it at Braniac McBrainiac University.)

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