Monday, September 26, 2022

Yes I Am Now in Genius Company, Quelle Suprise

I've always crinkled my nose a bit whenever I've heard someone remark "oh really, why would aliens visit Earth, they're so much more sophisticated than us they'll just think we're stupid and move on." This is one of those memes at dinner parties dudes use to make us think they're super-smart; the rest of us idiots hold out hope for visitors from other planets because we're simpletons but only HE is so brilliant, SO elevated as to understand the limitations of the human mental capacity relative to other beings throughout the Universe. Eyeroll.

But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “doesn't it turn out that one of the smartest - and handsomest! - people agrees with you? Sigh. Yes he does, faithful reader, YES he does:

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