Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Brilliant du Jour

These kind of things are amazing in their revelatory yet inevitable nature, but also frustrating re: this person should be running the country from here on out:

Reddit user u/hyteck9 suggested a simple-but-brilliant idea for reinforcing the structural integrity of your taco shell using a common topping. When assembling a hard shell taco, most people start with the meat first, add the veggies second, and then top the whole thing with a sprinkling of shredded cheese. It may not look as pretty, but you can improve your meal by moving the order around slightly. Before adding anything else, drop the cheese into the bottom of the shell. Now, when you add the ground beef or whatever filling you chose, that cheese will melt and act as a sort of glue for weakest part of the tortilla.
Few things on the Internet are actually useful. This is one of them.

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