Sunday, October 16, 2022

Fuck Madison Cawthorn

There's some hand-wringing over here about oh gee, what will Madison Cawthorn do now that he's been voted out of Congress after just two years?

Of course since those two years were mostly him going out of his way to show what an asshole he can be, whether it's hoovering his lips to Trump's sphincter or being accused of being inappropriately handsy by (checks notes) pretty much every woman he came within 10 feet of in college, I'm *guessing* he'll do just fine making the circuit as that most-cherished of Republican cast of characters, the victim.

Like anybody else, I held back my vitriol for this guy because he's in a wheelchair until it occurred to me that of all people it's exactly this shithead who is the absolute worst BECAUSE he's in a wheelchair.

Trump comes by his narcissistic asshole-ness honestly: he was born into it, and has never for one single second of any moment of any day of his life been made to feel anything other than "I am amazing and therefore everything is amazing and it's probably amazing because of me!" Trump's never felt any compassion or empathy for another human being because he's never had to; meanwhile, this Madison motherfucker KNOWS what real suffering is, how hard everyday life can be for the majority of people. And he can't even blame it on never knowing any other way; he wasn't born into a wheelchair, he became confined to one at 18 years old. So of all people, he should know real empathy for people suffering, but he chooses not to. Which, and I can't believe I'm saying this about a human being, makes his worse than Donald fucking Trump. If after finding yourself confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life you still not only don't empathize with those less fortunate than the uber-walthy but actually decide to make your life's work about making their lives even more difficult, then you are a fucking garbage human being and fuck you, wheelchair or not.

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