Sunday, October 16, 2022

People Amaze Me

Any time I get handed one of those things that the restaurant uses to buzz me that my group's table is ready I go into a mini-panic, fantasizing they'll buzz me and if I take more than 0 seconds to appear before them all set & ready to go I'll be informed my sorry ass is late and the table's been given away, to which I'll slink away, never to return again.

Then this morning I'm hanging outside of Starbucks, just being supercool you know me, and a woman at the table next to me suddenly looked at her phone and said to her friend, "our table's ready". They took a sip of their coffees, stood up and started walking have no idea where?!?!? I watched them walk along an entire block before losing them around a corner. I have no idea where their restaurant was or how far away it was, but I was certainly more worried about it than they were. What the hell world am I living in, that's so different?

Reminds me of this little shit grrrrrrrrrrr.

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