Thursday, December 08, 2022

John: "I Miss Paul"

Earlier HERE I mentioned the magical TV season of 1995; along with what I mentioned, The Steven Banks Show on PBS was one of my warmest memories while living in Oxford that Fall (along with The Red Green Show!). The show was about a guy living by himself, looking to fill time with childish longing after a dull "adult" day at the office. If you're a Beatles fan and his song I Miss Paul below doesn't get your waterworks going, you're not human. It's one of my favorite all-time television movements, period. An incredible mix of comedy ("No one could make a pot of tea like Paul could") and poignancy ("I wish we were back in Liverpool.") It's not hard to imagine John Lennon actually having many of these thoughts as he sat by himself in the vast Dakota Building, loooking back on days gone by. 

Super super slice of superslices.

Total bummer I can't find the video from the show of him performing it, but this audio should do just fine.

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