Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Just Sayin'

The geniuses that be are wringing their hands re: DeSantis vs Trump, but I would suggest that the reason Republicans are still clinging to Trump is their insane fear of losing his base, that 30% or whatever number of fucking assholes who would chop their own arms off for Dear Leader. Which is yet another reminder of how abnormal Trump is: let's say DeSantis does the unthinkable and defeats him in the GOP primary. Now, in every other scenario throughout history, the vanquished candidate would magnanimously tell his supporters to swallow their defeated pride and vote for the candidate who beat them within their own party.

BUT THIS IS TRUMP!!! Of COURSE he's going to DEMAND his cult followers to NOT vote for DeSantis, therein crippling him in the general race and, cherry on top!, lets Trump bray that see, HE would've beaten Biden etc etc.

I mean, just sayin'.

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