Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Sigh. I Can't Win.

Me, humble-bragging back in 2009:

The last time I was actually cool was on the very first day of 4th grade: at the end of the day, Mr. Futchko lined us all up outside the classroom to wait for the first-wave bell for the buses. We're hanging out goofing around, whatever, when from outta nowhere, unprompted, I start the countdown: "10...9...8...7..." and everyone joined in, we all sang along, and we counted down from 10 to 0, and when we hit "0", fuck if the bell didn't go off at that very moment. I can still see everyone's look of shock/glee/total excitement that I had somehow nailed it. 

And now after all these years of thinking I'm hot shit I gotta see this motherfucker!?!?!? 

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