Friday, April 14, 2023

Now That Easter's Over

The main problem in this world isn't just religion, it's that people do things in the name of an afterlife that has yet to be proven actually exists.- XMASTIME

I agree with Stephen Fry every word, every syllable. The idea that we exist so that some curiously angry & vengeful God (against...what exactly, if you're God?) can be a raging asshole that we have to constantly try to please amidst unimaginable human suffering speaks a lot about the human condition we for some reason insist on, including how we use such thinking to punish people weaker than ourselves. Pathetic on every side of it. Fuck that shit, and (insert "God" here) bless Stephen Fry.

Gay Byrne asks STEPHEN FRY what he would say to God at the ‘pearly gates’.

Go Stephen…— Michael Warburton (@MichaelWarbur17) April 14, 2023

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