Thursday, April 13, 2023

Status Update

I mentioned a few weeks ago how pleased I was to be able to stroll up to the ladies at my work cafeteria and they know my usual, presented to me now without me having to utter a single word of instruction. A little joke about how I’m King of the Beach of the cafeteria, a heartfelt thank you and blammo! I’m out.


Since now I know the ladies are expecting me & ready to whip up my sandwich that they now playfully call “the usual” when I come in, I’m scared to even bat my eyes at any of the other stations, like if one day I wanted a cheeseburger or rice pilaf or anything else except the same turkey sandwich I’ve now eaten 3,220 days in a row. I’m not sure what I think will happen, but all I can think of now as I sprint past all the other food stations is that if I DID try to sneak by & order something else, I’d get a tap on my shoulder with an ol’ “WELL, well well…LOOK who thinks he’s too good for a turkey sandwich now!” and they’d hate me forever.

Sigh. These are the Chinese handcuffs I’ve forced myself into, if only from now until the end of goddam time.

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