Sunday, April 02, 2023

Things I Like

Every day, I’ll add one thing to this list:

…John Candy, frozen chocolate, Martin Sheen, the time I met Bruce Springsteen, real lunch hours, dogs playing poker, when dogs are so happy they don’t even notice their wagging tails are smacking into the wall, the weirdly cozy feel of 1990s sitcoms, the first snowflakes of the year, BIG BEAR!, when people ask "whaddya, too good for ______?", Dani Rojas!, being Irish, "Married with Children", Milton Reese, Telephone Free Landslide Victory, a new roll of paper towels, funny slippers, glasses on women, every minute Todd Packer is onscreen, relaxing rainy days with the Wonderful Watts of Washington, the CartierFamily Youtube channel, peanut M&Ms, finally making it to the second episode of "Last of the Summer Wine", blueberry ide(d) tea, Opening Day at Yankee Stadium, "Norsemen" on Netflix, Bobby Murcer, casually picking at almonds, 

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