Tuesday, May 16, 2023

An Open Letter to Peter Jackson (and Everyone Else)

The paradox of Get Back is that as much as I love Let it Be, it's by far the simplest Beatles album musically, of course by design. So as much of a thrill as it is watching them create these songs throughout the documentary, how much would you love watching them discover and work through all the crazy shit they did on Revolver, or Sgt. Pepper? How much would you love to witness them recording Tomorrow Never Knows, or George Martin convincing Paul McCartney to add strings to Yesterday? - XMASTIME
This clip here is amazing but also a reminder of how infuriating it is knowing that Peter Jackson is still sitting on something like 80 hours of unused Get Back footage. Every minute we can see these guys in the studio together is a gift to all humanity and should be treated as so. John & Paul listening to an early playback of Hey Jude should be one of the stations of the cross.

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