Tuesday, May 16, 2023


One year ago today! 🤗
25 years ago this past August I walked into a basement studio in Brooklyn and recorded the first songs I’d ever written over the next 3 hours for what would be released as The Happy Scene e.p., TAKE MY TEENAGE HEAD. It was the most exciting thing I’d ever done in my life (probably still is, let's be real here.)

Now you can hear that e.p. along with outtakes, home demos MAYBE recorded on a tape recorder, a live show, original handwritten lyrics, gig fliers & more: CELEBRATE IT ALL HERE!

Even more than the music itself, it’s great to remember all of these great moments with people who all these years later I’m lucky enough to call my friends. I hope it brings you all even a tiny part of the joy it does me.

Thank you Christopher Standish, Keith Campbell, Jennie Fennelle, James Burke, James Renard, Bob Craver, Kirk Henderson and anyone else who helped over the years. As Will Croxton is want to say, "a little bit of uh-huh & a whole lot of oh yeah."

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