Friday, May 12, 2023

Here's to Michael J. Fox

It's crazy to think Michael J. Fox has had Parkinson's for 30+ years now. He's been making the rounds lately for some reason, selfishly I hope it's not because he's feeling the end is coming. He's been very open about how shitty the disease it, admitting "I’m not gonna lie. It’s getting harder. Every day it’s tougher.” I don't really know why, but this line sent a chill down my spine:

“Falling is a big killer with Parkinson’s,” Fox noted. “It’s falling, and aspirating food and pneumonia – all these subtle ways that (it) gets you. You don’t die from Parkinson’s. You die with Parkinson’s.”

I don't know why but for some reason it just seems even shittier that the disease that has turned your life into abject misery isn't even the goddam thing that actually kills you. Almost seems more cruel in a way. Fucking hell. 

It may not make a difference to him, and I don't believe in prayers or a god but I do believe in sending some vibes out there for someone who's always given us so much joy.

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