Friday, May 12, 2023

Oh FFS du Jour

I've pointed out several times over the years on this blog the fact that nobody thinks less of KISS' music than me, but I do think it's pretty fair to say that people don't give them enough credit for being able to draw/paint their own makeup on their own faces. - XMASTIME 
I've long screamed about the absurdity of any list Rolling Stone puts out and the latest, The 50 Worst Decisions in Music History, NOT including KISS deciding to take off their makeup once again reveals they do this shit intentionally so idiots like me scream at out laptops in vain. GRR. GRRRR!!!!
Meanwhile, here's some choice quotes from Xmastime should-be-BFF Chuck Klosterman:
There’s never been a rock group so easy to appreciate in the abstract and so hard to love in the specific.

Here’s a statement only a fool would contradict: There’s never been a band inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame whose output has been critically contemplated less than the music of Kiss.

You’d be hard-pressed to name another band that wrote all its own songs over such a long period of time without ever learning how.
Aaaaaaaaand because I like to circle things back to me at all times, here's me back in 2007:
Like most boys my age I guess KISS was one of my first (if not THE first) musical loves. For no other reason, really, than the fact that they wore evil clown makeup. I guess that means that if Phyllis Diller put out an album I woulda been into her too. I’d see those album covers and man, I’d beg my parents to order the face makeup kit from Sears so I could be Gene or Paul or Ace. My parents, being as thrifty as they were, instead bought me the knock-off version, “LICK.” You’d spread the stuff on your face, look in the mirror and think “I don’t look like Paul at all…is it getting dark in here?” then you’d wake up 3 days later with a squirrel attached to your face. Not good. 

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