Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Oh No Voyager!

Apparently after 46 years we've managed to lose contact with Voyager 2:

Nasa has lost contact with its Voyager 2 probe billions of miles away from Earth after sending it the wrong command, the space agency has revealed. Last month, the spacecraft - exploring the universe since 1977 - tilted its antenna to point two degrees away from Earth after the mistake was made. As a result, the probe has stopped receiving commands or sending data. Nasa said it hopes communication will resume when the probe is due to reset in October.

As a longtime fan of the absolute miracle that is Voyager 2 - let's not forget the incredible luck with gravitational assist it took to get this thing going - I'm heartbroken that we may have really lost all contact with one of the two man-made objects that have entered interstellar space, a feat that baffles the mind (or mine, at least). We'll keep our peepers open on October 15 when it (hopefully) resets itself as planned and gets back to work. Damn I love this little flying thingee (even if I'm still miffed it stole my great timing thunder of 4th grade!!)

But as a longtime fan of comedy I can't help but hope that if this had to happen it hopefully happened because of some 19 year-old intern who had no business being there in the first place pushing the wrong button, thinking it was for some shitty disposable Tik-Tok video, that created this turn of events. 

The only consolation may be that at least whatever aliens are out there right now will still get to hear the sweet sounds of the King of Rock & Roll, Chuck Berry 🤗🎸


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