Sunday, September 17, 2023


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

God's Week

On an episode of Little House on the Prairie earlier Caroline was pissed at Charles for working the fields instead of going to church on a Sunday - Sunday is the day of rest, as it's the day God rested. Which got me to thinking about how the God Squad always goes out of it's way to tell you that during the Creation "...and on the 7th Day, God rested." What the fuck...what's the big deal with telling us God rested? If God is so awesome and powerful that he can create the whole universe in a matter of days, is he really the sort that would need a break? Why do these people insist on portraying him as being on the couch, hand down his pants popping open a Diet Mr. Pibb? And then after this big day of rest, what happened? Nothing. There's no big "8th Day" in the what the fuck was he even resting up for?

Why didn't these people make it so that he took a break between days 3 and 4, which would at least make SOME sense? Whack to me.

My previous post on Ingalls hectoring HERE.

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