Friday, October 06, 2023

McCarthy Found Guilty of NBT (Not Being Trump)

Trump’s the toddler forever trying to hurl himself into traffic, saved over & over by others, who he will then be furious at for saving him. - XMASTIME

Again, as I've been saying for years now whenever other Republicans try to act like Trump but can't pull it off, there's just something about Trump that's so repulsive to watch nobody can stop the show happening before them; case in point now we see that GOP congressmen are furious to find out that when it comes to saving Kevin McCarthy's sorry ass it just doesn't work the same way:
This cavalier "Democrats will save us from ourselves" attitude permeates everything Republicans do. It's why Republicans are constantly threatening to default on the national debt and/or shut down the government. They never expect to face consequences for it, because Democrats, who actually care about the American people, will do whatever it takes to mitigate the economic damage.

Republicans can put their big boy pants on, instead of acting like toddlers careening around with their Democratic mommies chasing after to keep them from hurting themselves. Republicans have been able to avoid the political costs of their feckless behavior for decades, in no small part because Democrats have been effective at stemming the bleeding from bad GOP choices. Hell, Republicans elected Trump, secure in the belief that however badly he broke things, a Democrat would eventually step in to repair it. It's good Democrats are finally setting a boundary. If Republicans don't learn about consequences, how will they ever grow up?

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