Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Pizza, Pizza Apps & Nonexistent Pizza Wars in My Head

Years & years ago – I was still in Brooklyn – I had an idea for a pizza app that would let you see whatever slices were going at a nearby pizza counter without having to walk in and potentially let everybody working there down by walking out without getting anything due to poor slice selection (PSS), to say nothing of the fact that my being such a picky eater doesn’t really help.

I’m reminded of this because I live above a Wegmans so I go there about every day, usually several times a day, and right where I enter (heh heh heh) is their pizza counter; even if I’m not I’m there to actually get pizza I like to do a fly-by to see what slices they have just out of curiosity. But if I know I’m just doing a fly-by I don’t wanna catch the eye of one of the workers, because then I hafta say something awkward without asking for a slice before scooting away as quickly as possible before they can reach over the counter to strangle me to death.

Of course that’s ridiculous, the idea that somehow these people working – some of whom are teenagers – would be even remotely upset that I was “rejecting” their pizza is beyond ridiculous; never once in my life have I ever been presented with some work and my boss said “oh you know what we’re not gonna do this” without me being anything other than perfectly elated about such a turn of events.

But I’m not kidding about wanting to see someone make that pizza app.

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