Thursday, December 14, 2023

Xmastime 15 Years Ago Today

I mean not for nothing but this blog post title is on fire 🔥

Sunday, December 14, 2008

John Wilkes Boot

I'm not surprised some dude threw a shoe at Bush today. But I am surprised he was able to throw a SECOND shoe. That's a rather sleepy security detail, no? I guess I always imagined that at the drop of a hat of any semblance of trouble, the secret service would swarm like locusts, with walls of steel coming outta the floor in front of the president. But in this case, they're like "...oh look, a show being hurled at the president...I should think about changing shampoos...maybe something fruity...hey, another shoe..."

If I'm on the fence re: wondering if I should go into the presidential assassination field, this video certainly gives me confidence and tips me over to the "YES" side. Well, if we didn't suck at assassinations so much these days.

Anyway, here's an oral history on the 15th anniversary of the guy throwing his shoes at Bush.

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