Sunday, March 03, 2024

Thoughts on American Troops. I Have Them.

The last 20 years we've had a culture of American military troops about which we're supposed to always remain super-somber and serious with any mention of them for fear of offending their heroic feelings even while the wars they've been involved with are mostly the work of manically rich men making money off Burger Kings at military bases; meanwhile the Greatest Generation had no problem being portrayed as normal, goofy guys just doing their best even while the wars they're most associated with literally saved the world from a genocidal madman and the spread of fascist Communism.

It's just a shame; anytime you ever saw two WWII vets meet up you knew that while they'd have some serious shit between them they'd always end up telling hysterical stories about dumb shit that went on all the time, and I just get the sense we're not going to get that again anytime soon from ongoing generations. 🤔🤷

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