Wednesday, April 17, 2024


You can like Trump. You can vote for Trump. You can hate Biden. You can choose to not vote for Biden. But if you hear yourself saying out loud, "Trump is an absolute nightmare who will forever end American democracy....but I juuuuuuuuuust can't vote for Biden" then fuck you, and years from now the history books will expose you as the reason American democracy ended: you are now all the neighbors who shrugged "everything's fine" while Hitler rounded up the Jews. - XMASTIME
David Frum on the futility of Biden agreeing to debate Trump:
Political debates exist to provide voters with relevant information about their electoral choices. The most necessary information that Biden needs to communicate is that Trump is a traitor to the U.S. Constitution. But people will not appreciate something so abnormal if it is habitually characterized as normal.

Many institutions of American life have habits and incentives that lead them to treat Trump’s attempted coup as normal politics. Television and other mass media exhibit worse habits and incentives than most of those institutions. But President Biden does not need to indulge them.

Trump is owed due process in a court of law. He is not owed the courtesies of the office whose oath he betrayed. Biden prefers to keep the temperature of politics low if he can. That’s a good impulse most of the time. But there are occasions when it’s the president’s job to defy the pressure and say no. This debate invitation is one such time.
Nobody likes the Trump shit-flinging monkey show more than me, I'm only human, but if as of today you still can't seem to decide between Biden & Trump then you really are fucking dumber than I even thought you were.

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