Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Quick Thing on the Presidential Election & Then I Hope That's It for a While Because I Fucking Hate It

I know we're all hands on deck and like everybody else i'm scared of losing to Fuhrer Trumpstain but I also just find it really hard to believe that somebody was planning to vote for Biden right up until the moment he fumbled the debate and now they're gonna vote for Trump? 🤔🤷‍♂️

It's a similar argument I made for years re: Republicans refusing to cut Trump loose no matter how absurd he got because they're so scared of losing "his base"; it's not like if Trump's not the nominee his base is gonna say "fuck it I'm voting for Rosie O'Donnell then", it'd just be another shithead Republican eager to deliver the same shit for rich white men. And yes, you'll lose some voters who are Trump or Nothing folks but you'll also get a dip in the number of Democrats voting solely because they don't want Trump back in office and if there's anyone else running they might just stay at home on their couch instead of voting, which cancels out the Trump or Nothing folks also staying home, so. 🤔🤷‍♂️

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