Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I Am Not Made of Stone, People!

I was reading this article about a 4 year-old kid who broke a Bronze Age jar at a museum that's at LEAST 3,500 years old & because I live in a world where the news is 24/7 "YOUR HEAD IS ABOUT TO BE CHOPPED OFF RIGHT NOW OMG!!!!!!", I was assuming it would end with outraged histrionics from the museum and a feeling this kid's parents were in deep deep shit, so I was pleasantly touched/surprised to see how it's going:

“The jar will be returned to its place in a short time,” the statement continued, adding that the museum would use the restoration as an opportunity to educate the public.

Speaking to Israeli news outlet Ynet Tuesday, the museum’s head Inbal Rivlin invited the boy and his mother, who was also present during the incident, back to the museum for a private tour.

“The museum is not a mausoleum but a living place, open to families (and) accessible,” she told the news outlet, adding: “We are appealing to parents: Don’t be afraid. Things like this happen. We will fix the jar and put it back.”

As I was just saying a minute ago people, I am not made of stone, people!  🥲🥲🥲🥲

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