Friday, September 20, 2024

Hey, Look Who's an Even Bigger Shithead Then I'd Even Thought

Before he bought Twitter I assumed Elon Musk was a serious person to be taken seriously; even after 2 years or whatever of watching him every day on Twitter reveal what a fucking shithead he is, it's still kind of shocking to see he's not only a lot like Trump in the many ways you'd already guess (even to me his ridiculous shit behind the scenes at Twitter revealed in the article is surprisingly ridiculous in their Trump-rivaled stupidity), but he seems to also be the same kind of fully grown toddler:

Long-term Musk employees from his other companies, Tesla and Starlink, had given the Twitter team advice on how to handle their visionary leader. Avoid getting into situations in which you’re not able to give a definitive answer; avoid open-ended conversations; present him with simple choices that allow him to feel decisive. For swathes of Twitter employees, however, this was not enough. In November 2022 an email – not from Musk himself but from “Twitter” – informed the whole company that termination notices would arrive the next morning. The following day 3,738 people lost their jobs.

What really concerned Musk, however, was that people weren’t retweeting him enough. Teams of engineers were assigned to solve the problem of reduced engagement with Musk’s tweets. Matters came to a head during the 2023 Super Bowl, when he obsessed over the fact that a tweet by Joe Biden received several times as many likes as his own. Nobody dared suggest that the world just found their boss easy to ignore. Engineers were summoned from their Super Bowl parties to headquarters to fix the problem, which they did with a new line of code: “author_is_elon”, a tag that forced everyone to pay even more attention to the richest man in the world.

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