Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lonely Boy

I've heard Steve Jones tell the story of how his sticky fingers as a street rat hood led to him hoarding a bunch of stolen equipment from other bands even tho he never bothered learning how to play guitar before the Sex Pistols and I'd always assumed it was just because he was so super-cool and it was just a part of his swashbuckling persona as the coolest motherfucker in the coolest fucking band in London; seeing him in this video all these decades later saying that he stole all those guitars & amps because it made him feel like he was a part of it all, it was the only way he could feel a part of any and all of the bands he wished he could be a part of, is a beautiful & poignant moment and I feel it in my 1998 guts as I'm sitting in New York City once again, if only for a weekend.

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