Friday, September 13, 2024

No Beatles, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 😡😡😡😡

So on top of everything else, this jagoff heard the records made by...(checks notes) (checks notes again) ...The Beatles and thought to himself "you know what, I can do better."

Fuck this guy, and fuck everyone who hasn't given me my Wikipedia page yet. - XMASTIME

I was hoping it wouldn't make it out of Top Secret Beatles Fan Club Meetings chatter and they'd finally disappear from this planet forever, but apparently their big release of the US versions of their albums is happening:

“...these albums were the records that Americans heard back in 1964. This was how we were exposed to the wonderful music of the Beatles. Capitol’s decision to reconfigure the Beatles' British albums by adding the Beatles' singles to the lineup was based on its view that hit singles make hit albums. And it worked spectacularly, leading to increased album sales at a time when singles ruled the radio airwaves and record sales.”

Anyone who buys this, ANYONE!, is complicit with Capitol Records monster Dave Dexter AND YOU SHOULD NO LONGER CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A BEATLES FAN!!!! OR A MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE!!!! 😡😡😡😡 I HATE YOU!!!!

And we all know anyway that there's only one album they put together that anybody needs to know about. 😈

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