Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oooooooh, Yeeeeaahh!!!

Today in music class there was a little kid running around with a Kool-Aid t-shirt on. Everytime he'd come running by me I'd say "ooooh, yyyeeeeeeaaaahh!!", cracking myself up (zero laughs from the kid, of course.) I became a little obsessed with the shirt, and I've determined I have to have one. Should be my signature - seriously, what would be funnier than everytime I walk into a room I'm wearing this:

Along with a booming, all-smiles "OOOOOOOH, YEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!!!" Wouldn't tht immediatley cheer up everyone in the room?

Let me explain something to you people. I'm never getting married. Sorry, but it's time to let that dream go. So you won't ever hafta buy me a wedding present. And the way I'm going now, let's just say I doubt I'm gonna live til whatever the life expectancy is, so that's fewer birthday presents. I. WANT. THIS. SHIRT. I don't care who or how or why, just make this happen people.


They say we can't accomplish great things in this country anymore? Let's band together and get our guy Xmas in a fuckin Kool-Aid shirt and show everybody that YES, WE CAN!

1 comment:

Gina said...

until I can be sure that you got the last one I sent I am NOT buying you any more shirts! Ebay, kid.