Thursday, March 06, 2008

Yes, I Already asked if He Knows Gordon

I saw this clip at andtheend just now, and as I settled in to watch it I was reminded of when Sistahtime! was a baby and my brother and I would play a rousing game of "hey, let's stick a finger in Sistahtime!'s mouth and see how close to bone she can get when she clamps down like a robot gator!" You know that game. Then I heard the kid talking. Anyone else slightly surprised whenever they hear a little kid with a British accent? Always seems odd, no? I don't know what else I was expecting. I guess in my mind you get your British accent when you graduate University, when they put on your first tweed coat. Til then you're Buford Pusser. Kids with British accents, how bout that. Almost as funny as when a black guy starts talking and he's got a British accent. I have a lot to learn, people.

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